Term Projects

Students will investigate a topic/area relevant to this course and prepare a project that will not just analyze, but complicate and rectify how Latinas have been (and are) constructed in the media. Consider if and how self-representation plays a role. While you will be expected to conduct as much research as you would for a traditional research paper, your term project should have in mind a larger audience beyond the confines of our classroom (and your instructor). You should reference these sources whenever necessary. It can take any number of forms, including but not limited to short films, videos, digital photography with voice-over narration, etc. However, you must produce a finished digital item that will be presented the last week of the semester and will be available to others outside our class. You must use copyright free or sources that are shared under creative commons if you are not the creative owner.

A completed term project will include the following items:

  1. Abstract
  2. Outline (will serve as a space holder for your final digital product)
  3. Rationale (3-5 pages)
  4. Works Sited
  5. Editorial

You will also be responsible for a short 3-5 page analytical rational explaining your project. This should resemble a “traditional” research paper. Please follow appropriate citation (e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago). You will turn in a hard-copy to me AND email me a digital copy (as an attachment).

The overall purpose of creating these projects is to not just analyze, but complicate and rectify how Latinas have been (and are) constructed in the media. With this in mind, after you have completed your project, what have you learned about your topic? How does your project educate and challenge ourselves and others about your topic? How are we furthering our discussion beyond our semester and our class? Use all the research you have already done on your topic. You will write a 350 word (a little over a page) editorial article. We will submit these editorials for consideration to CT Latino News for a new section being created on Young Voices.


Now: Abstract, outline and works sited should be on your individual page.

December 6: Provisional due date.

December 11: Final Term Project Presentations

Examples of short videos from YouTube:


Latin Music and Dance: Sorlyz Pagan & Kelvin Li

Television Advertising: Lindsey Honig, Danielle Honig, Veronica Perez, and Michael Pavia

Costuming and Clothing in Music Videos: Charlie Grab, Brianna Martone, Morgan Radin, Mariah Monroe & Jessica Diaz

Body Images: Stephanie Giannoutsos, Alie Garry, Violetta Orlowski, Kiara Morales, Katie Blake

Latino/a characters in children’s television: Adam Lang, Amanda Aw Yong, Skylar Smith, Stacey Pecor and Yining He

Latinas from a Husky Perspective: Ernie Abreu, Lisette Espinal, and Alexis Ruiz

Constructs of “Fame” for Latinas in the Media: Carolyn Luby, Jose Figueroa, and Hailey Rosa

Campus Wide Impressions of Latinas in Music Videos: Gillianna Mendoza, Lucia Parisi, Jeremy Kaplan, Morgan Kamm

Influence of Latina Culture on Fashion: Caroline Nieto, Gary Rosas, Shantae Shaw, Tiffany Jorge, Elizabeth Parsons