Questions for Diane Alverio

On Thursday, November 29, Diane Alverio from CT Latino News will be visiting our class to discuss new media and online news. Please type out one question in the comments you would like to ask her regarding Latinas and Media.

alverio flyer nov 2012

Wiki entry where Diane Alverio’s findings are used regarding Stereotypes of Hispanic and Latino Americans in the U.S.

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18 Responses to Questions for Diane Alverio

  1. briannamartone12 says:

    Do you feel as though your identity as a Latina has made success a bit more difficult?

  2. Elizabeth Parsons says:

    Why do you think that news stories relating to Latinos make up such a small percentage of news stories in network broadcasts?

  3. rserreti says:

    Has it been a struggle for you to be a Latina woman in the media?

  4. Yining He says:

    Do you think the emergence of new technologies and social media have leveled the playing field and benefited the Latino community?

  5. Kiara Morales says:

    What are some of the issues in the media that latino community should be more conscious of?

  6. Stacey Pecor says:

    Have you seen any changes to how you are treated as a successful Latina woman?

  7. How did your Latina roots inspire your career goals?

  8. Skylar Smith says:

    With technology developing at such an incredible rate, do you think that Latinos will be able to express their voices easier, since new mediums are emerging through which people can voice their opinions?

  9. What would you recommend to a Latina woman that is thinking of entering into the media and business world? any helpful tips?

  10. alexandriagarry says:

    Do you think that new media is being used to combat or reenforce Latina stereotypes that have been perpetuated in the media?

  11. stephaniegiannoutsos says:

    How did you decide on this career path and how has being a Latina effected that decision?

  12. Gillianna Mendoza says:

    As the President of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, what subjects do you hope more Latinos, both across the nation and internationally, become more aware of and address?

  13. morgankamm says:

    Are you happy with the way new media has shaped the development of success for Latinas?

  14. charliegrab says:

    Why haven’t more minority groups created similar web pages? When will we be able to see ctasiannews, ctnativeamericannews etc..?

  15. violettaorlowski says:

    Has anyone in the business ever discriminated against you actively regarding your Latina heritage and purposely placed a roadblock towards your path to success? If so, how did you handle it?

  16. Hailey Rosa says:

    During Diane’s talk she touched on the stereotypical sexy latina and drug dealing latino. I asked why she thought there was a lack of serious latin american roles for actors. In addition, why do you think that Ben Affleck (a clearly white actor) replaced Antonio Mendez as the lead role?

  17. carolynluby says:

    Beyond just being a journalist, an entrepreneur, and a successful woman; Diane clearly showed that she is also an activist. The question I asked her after the presentation was how did she face and deal with resistance to her activism? When she was creating CTlaintonow she did encounter resistance from many people and many people were not as cooperative as they could have been, but what she said was important was to never give up. Activism is a struggle, and you will encounter resistance, but it is important to think why people may not be so willing to help you.and then to continue to meet and speak to people who will. You will be brushed off by some and never answered by others, but you will find people who believe in your cause as long as you keep looking. It is those people you can build connections with and those connections are so important-. If you are in a room full of 100 people and 80 are with you and 20 are against you, do not make the common mistake of trying to change and pursue those 20 people. Instead, unite with the 80 that support you and gain momentum with them, and that may influence the other 20 more than you directly and single handedly trying to engage them ever could.

  18. I found Diane presentation very interesting. I am actually taking a journalism class and chose to write my last news story on her visiting UConn. I had never heard of CT Latino news until she came and presented on it. I am very happy that i know about it now because i will absolutely be using it as another source of information for Latino news in Connecticut.

    I also plan on sending her my resume for a potential internship. I loved and agreed with the advise that she gave us. Starting in a small company and learning all the aspects of that company will definietly help yo gain experience that you can add to your resume and help you work your way to where you want to be. Along the way you also make excellent connections and you are able to connect with so many different people that can help you along the way.

    I really admire all the work that she put into creating CT Latino news. She is truly an inspiration for me as being a Latina that would love to do and conquer all the things that she was able to accomplish.

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